Bethany Little
Bethany Little was inspired to make a change due to her own experience with the criminal justice system. She began to pursue transitional housing for women and the LGBTQ population who were being discharged from treatment or released from incarceration. Today, Bethany is the founder and president of Women in Need (WIN) Recovery, a SAFE Housing Network member. Through WIN, Bethany builds an environment based on love and trust, allowing residents to move forward with their lives. Bethany envisions WIN Recovery homes throughout Illinois. She hopes to invest in other people’s dreams the way Ms. Burton invested in hers.

Due to the enormous amount of women and LGBTQ2S+ who needed support but were not a part of the WIN program, Bethany Little was inspired to make the WIN Resilience Resource Center open to all formerly incarcerated individuals. Through the Resilience Resource Center Bethany has build a community hub in Chicago Illinois. The center is truly an environment based on love and trust, allowing those in need of help to move forward with their lives. Getting here was not a short process, Bethany's story is one of resilience itself. Check out her story below ...
Her Story
Bethany Britton Little was inspired to make a change due to her own experience with the criminal justice system. She began to pursue transitional housing for women and the LGBTQ2S+ population who were being discharged from treatment or released from incarceration. Today, Bethany is the founder and president of Women in Need (WIN) Recovery, a SAFE Housing Network member. Through WIN, Bethany builds an environment based on love and trust, allowing residents to move forward with their lives. Bethany envisions WIN Recovery homes throughout Illinois. She hopes to invest in other people’s dreams the way Ms. Burton invested in hers.
Bethany graduated in December 2018, from the University of Illinois Master’s MSW Program with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health. In 2017, she received her bachelor’s in communication from the University of Illinois. She was awarded the YMCA Bailey’s Fellowship, for her service in creativity passion, and commitment through community organization. The 2017 Fred H. Turner Leadership Award was awarded as she proceeded to complete her bachelor degree.
In 2018 she was awarded Roxie A. Watson Student Leadership Award for succeeding in academic pursuit despite encountering her person obstacles. While working toward her MSW, she founded the non-profit organization “Women in Need Recovery”. Bethany was inspired to make a change due to her own experience of despair with homeless and involvement with the justice system. She began to pursue transitional housing for women and LGBTQ2S+ population who are being discharged from treatment or released from jail and/or prison.